Monday 20 February 2017

Code Numbers

Barcode Readers
Image result for computer code bar code
  • The bar code is a pattern of thick and thin bars divided by thick and thin spaces. Only the relative separations and thickness of the bars are important.
Image result for Barcodes can be printed in different sizes
  • Barcodes can be printed in different sizes and colours. The barcode is read either by passing a light-pen over it  or by passing the bar code over a flatbed scanner.
Image result for systems are easy to operate and have very low error rates
  • Barcodes are suitable for data input when all that is necessary is to identify an item, and the data input simply comprises a code.
Image result for computer code bar code
  • systems are easy to operate and have very low error rates.
Image result for Occasionally, a scanner can read a barcode number incorrectly
  • Occasionally, a scanner can read a barcode number incorrectly. A check digit is included in the barcode number to reduce such incidents
Image result for Barcodes are suitable for data input

Graphic Capture

    Image result for computer Graphic Capture
  • Image Scanners are popular examples of graphic capture devices. When a page of text already exists, like the page that you are reading now, it can be directly put into a computer using a scanner.
  • Scanner can be used to input not only the texts, but also the photographs, drawings and so on. Image Scanners  (Gray-scale or colour) digitise the pictures (which are analog data). The resulting bitmapped images (Each pixel has a collection of bits that define its colour) can be easily modified by graphics programs. The resolution of bitmapped images is measured in dpi, i.e. dots per inch.