Monday 20 February 2017

Audio Input Devices

Digitized Audio Signals
Image result for computer Digitized Audio Signals

  • Audio (analogue) signals can be converted to digital signals by  analogue to digital converters, processed by a computer and converted back with digital to analog converters. This allows computer manipulation of music (See MIDI, below), speech or any recordable sounds.

Image result for Synthetic audio signals can be created by the compute

  • Synthetic audio signals can be created by the computer.

Image result for computer analogue to digital converters

  • Musical Instrument Digital Interface  (MIDIdevices allow the input and output to any musical instrument capable of electrical I/O. The music, once digitised in the computer’s memory can be processed by musical software giving incredible opportunities for creativity and innovation.

Image result for Musical Instrument Digital Interface  (MIDI) devices

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